Saturday, January 1, 2005


WHEREAS the longstanding tradition of representative monarchy as constitutionally practiced by the independent peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the other Realms of the Crown Commonwealth is continuously threatened by the unrelenting regressive forces around them, that left unchallenged will cause the venerable institution of our shared monarchy, the most splendid form of constitutional government to have evolved on this Earth, to degenerate into a pathetic shadow of its former glory and inevitably or suddenly wither away;

AND WHEREAS a defeat for monarchy and for the people in any one Realm, is a defeat for monarchy and for all our peoples in all our Realms, we do hereby mutually proclaim therefore that any further acts of disloyalty carried out against our peoples as represented by their Sovereign, or any further encroachment by the political elite on their residual powers of State, or any further attempts to undermine the legitimacy, independence and dignity of their office, shall no longer be tolerated with gradualist abandonment, but fought vigilantly and honourably with dutiful obligation, bound by our undying affection, loyal devotion and true allegiance to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Her Heirs and Successors.


(Originally posted here)


  1. Dear Madame and Sirs,

    I`m a gread admire of Her Majesty the Queen and I live in Germany. At the time of the Queen's visit to Germany in 1978, I was 14 and happened to be watching television when the festivities were broadcast. It made a deep and lasting impression on me and it turned out that this moment would quite literally change my life.

    Ever since then, I have been fascinated by everything connected with Great Britain, including its history, its people, its way of life, its royal family and especially Her Majesty (though I am not interested in the gossip invented by the tabloid press).

    People do not always understand my passion for decorating both my home and my office with pictures of the Queen, since it is more emotional than rational. But I see it as more than just a hobby and it brings me a great deal of joy.

    Even though I cannot always be personally present at royal events in the UK (I have been to Britain countless times and even managed to get hold of a place in the stands at the "Trooping the Colour" in London in 1984), I never miss them if they are on TV. For many years now I have written to the Queen and sent her small, home-made presents (e.g. pictures) at Christmas and on royal birthdays and anniversaries. The lady-in-waiting always sends a nice, official reply to every letter.

    Unfortunately I have never had the opportunity to meet the Queen personally, not even when she visited Mainz in 1978. But I do remember that visit very well. Jockel Fuchs, who was Mayor at the time, got his chain of office tangled up with the Queen's pearl necklace, which caused a bit of a to-do!

    Over the past 50 years she has been, and still remains, the best advertisement for her country and is always very welcome here in Germany.

    I`ve seen many sides in the internet of groups in the UK/Canada/Australia & NZ who want abolish the monarchy. I hope the people of this countries preserve this unique and fine institution for the future.

    I live in Bingen am Rhein and work as a local consultant on theological matters in the Diocese of Mainz


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