Friday, February 2, 2007

H.M.C.S. St. Laurent

Her Majesty Aboard HMCS St. Laurent in Stockholm on June 11, 1956.


The golden era of the Royal Canadian Navy. What I wouldn't have done to serve in those days! I would have given my eye teeth for a fourth row of buttons, not to mention the executive curl, the gold braided "Elliott's Eye" above the officer's sleeve rank. Prime Minister Pearson stuck a dagger through the heart of every sailor when he took it all away in 1968. When he made them wear green! When ship captains were known as "Colonels-at-Sea"! When the proud RCN was savagely converted into the abominable Canadian Forces Maritime Command! Oh, the wreckage. Oh, what bloody mutiny.

(Click the photo to enlarge view of ship's company in the presence of their young Lord High Admiral.)

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