Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Loyal Birthday Address to Her Majesty

To Her Gracious and Sacred Majesty Elizabeth, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, The Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Saint Christopher and Nevis and her other realms and territories; Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.



Whereas your Parliaments, dominated as they are by Wreckers, Levellers, Traitors and Malcontents, may neglect to send Your Majesty a Loyal Address on the Occasion of Your Majesty's 84th Birthday,

And whereas Your Majesty's Crown, and the beloved constitution hallowed by the dust and the blood of our Fathers ought to be at the centre of our national life, and the protection of the same our chief care,

Therefore I, the least of Your Majesty's loyal subjects, have taken it upon myself to present to your most Gracious and Excellent Majesty this Loyal Address, upon Subjects Patriotic and Loyal, wherewith to confound Your Majesty's enemies, and for the maintenance of the loyalty which is your and our chief protection against Levelling Modernism and the Paineite Rabble who wish to destroy our honour, our history, our liberty, and Your Majesty.

Madam, this year marks the fifty-eighth of your reign. You have conducted yourself with grace, dignity and responsibility to all your subjects, and all your peoples. Your contribution to our stability and well-being has often gone un-noticed. You have never complained, but have unfailingly continued steadfast in your duties. For this, I salute you.

You stand at the end of a proud tradition, stretching back into the mists of time. Your Majesty sat upon the Stone of Destiny, upon King Edward's chair. You were anointed, hallowed, consecrated unto God by the Primate and Metropolitan of All England. You were crowned, acclaimed, and recognised, by right of blood succession, Queen regnant of this and your other Realms. You were lifted up above us "by the power, authority and ordinance of Almighty God". For this, I salute you, and Praise God for his grace unto us.

Your Majesty is a Christian Prince, a link in the chain between your people and God's Justice. As such, you are the Mother of your people, stretching out your hand to protect us from politics, politicians and their grubby electioneering. Your Majesty is the focus of our unity, above politics, answerable to no-one but God and your conscience. For this, I salute you.

You are the symbol of all that is decent, and good, and stable in our tradition. You are the personification of our law, and God's Law. You are united to your peoples, and they to you. You are a symbol of continuity, a rock in the midst of change. You are the link between the Motherland and her many outposts, independent, yet always united, in culture, law, language, sport and love of our collective Queen. Those who have left the Commonwealth too, hold you in high esteem. Your Majesty's devotion to the welfare of all your people makes you welcome everywhere. Sir Winston Churchill had it right when he said: ""We honour her because she is our Queen. We love her because she is herself".

Because you are our Queen, and because you are yourself, Your Majesty, on your 84th birthday, your peoples around the world salute you.

God Save Her Majesty our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth!


  1. Happy Birthday Your Majesty! God save the Queen!

  2. Happy Birthday to Our Mother, Prince and Friend.

  3. A great address on the occasion of HM's 82nd birthday! Every good wish and compliments from here, where many share a sense of affection for The Queen.
    I agree with the message... yet I wonder if it wouldn't be more fitting to include ALL independent realms by name, and sorry about sounding pedantic, but for a blog as conservative in taste and manners as this esteemed place I am confdent there will be typing space for *the* Bahamas.

  4. Your wish is The Monarchist's command.

  5. A Blessed Birthday for Her Majesty. Long May She Reign!

  6. Superb in every way. Many Happy Returns, for our sake.

  7. May our God Almighty grant to Her Majesty eternal joy and happiness, health and well-being, and the never ending love and esteem of all those having the privilege of being Her subjects.

    May our Lord bless Her Most Sovereign Majesty and the Royal Family, the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth!

    May the Lord grant freedom and all the blessings of the Anglosphere to all of us living on the European continent and beyond.

    May Her gracious Majesty, as the symbol of all these values, live forever.

    God save the Queen!

  8. A great address written by a member of our editorial board. My thanks to one of our New Zealand correspondents for penning it.

    Happy Birthday indeed, and many happy returns to Your Majesty!

  9. A fellow North Carolina monarchist and I just sang "Land of Hope and Glory" together over the phone. Happy Birthday Your Majesty indeed!

  10. Are you sure this wasn't really intended for Pope Benedict's birthday?

    ~ Belloc

  11. From a fellow Monarchist from Minnesota, Happy Birthday Your Majesty and God save the Queen!

  12. Best Wishes on the Birthday of Her Majesty.

    I do hope the blog owners realise that many supporters of the Crown are not Christians. I support constitutional monarchy, not religion.

  13. Happy Birthday Your Majesty,

    May I quote the article in my own message on her 'official birthday' in June?

  14. By all means.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Please, please, reign forever, Your Majesty, and save us from having your ghastly son as our next sovereign.

  17. God Save the Queen. Happy Birthday your Majesty.

  18. '99 Referendum VeteranApril 22, 2009 at 11:17 PM

    And it looks like Kevin has a very nice birthday present for Her Maj:

    And aren't the journos annoyed! Ha ha.

    Further proof of the Queen's staying power at the age of 83. That's how she rolls.

  19. Oh, Lord our God arise,
    Scatter her enemies
    And make them fall.
    Confound their politics,
    Frustrate their knavish tricks.
    On Thee our hopes we fix,
    God save us all!

    - Edward in the Antipodes.

  20. There are only four words that suit the occasion:


    So, a toast to Her Majesty. Raise your glass of wine, brandy, whisky, whatever your beverage of choice may be, and let us drink to Her Majesty's continuing health, and long and prosperous reign.


  21. Celui qu'on nomme Pie VIIApril 21, 2010 at 9:36 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. A wonderful birthday address to our anointed Queen. It is this abiding loyalty by our dutiful and loyal Queen that the Stone of Scone (Stone of Destiny, Jacob's pillar) continues today for the appointed time. No other world leader has such a responsibility of a divine calling. Though the wolves continue to surround her no harm will come upon her. It is the duty of the Commonwealth nations to uphold the Coronation Oath to support the Queen to the end. For Her Majesty was born for such a time as this. This Throne represents the Majesty and Hope for all mankind which will again one day be ignited. Dieu et mon Droit.

    We salute her. from Australia

  23. Well to say indeed, God Save the Queen!

    Consider that letter co-signed by me.

  24. From your country's wayward child across the pond, Happy birthday, Your Majesty. Long may you reign.

  25. As with me. God save Her Majesty, and Long May She Reign!

  26. Celui qu'on nomme Pie VIIApril 22, 2010 at 9:42 PM

    Gang de pissous pas de couilles : pas capables d'entendre la vérité, hein ?

  27. Three cheers for Her Majesty the Queen!
    Long May She Reign over us.
    Support the Monarchy! Support the Union! Support the Union Flagg!

  28. Amen! Alleluia! Thanks be to God.

  29. What a sad and pathetic 'address' that is. Have you no self respect and sense of basic decency? Are you so determined to ingratiate yourself on others as to lower yourself beneath them? Utterly pathetic and servile. Do grow up.

  30. well said, I agree with every word written here, God Save the Queen.
