Saturday, June 21, 2008

Tails and Toppers at Royal Ascot

Proper Toppers may be a thing of the past, but at the Royal Ascot races they are de rigeur. Read Royal Ascot: gentlemen prefer toppers

Insight%20jun08%20gallery%20ascot1%20largeThe Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall ride down the racecourse at the start of this year's Royal Ascot, 17th-21st June 2008. Royal Ascot is the high fashion event in the summer social calendar, steeped in history, tradition, heritage and pageantry dating back to 1711 when it was founded by Queen Anne.

The jewel in Ascot’s crown, Royal Ascot attracts over 300,000 racegoers each year, to view the splendour and colour of five days of the finest racing, fashion and glamour. The course is closely associated with the British Royal Family, being approximately six miles from Windsor Castle, and owned by the Crown Estate.


  1. I am happy to say I am the proud owner of a real topper, c1900, original hatbox, pristine condition, the real deal. Fits perfectly. Lacking the morning suit to go with it, but one thing at a time.

  2. 'De rigeur,' m'lud?

    Aren't there proper British words to express that thought? By jingo, I thought this was a British Imperial anti-EU blog?

    Oh right...Canadians run it, so I guess there's no helping the occasional Quebec-tremor.

    C'est dommage, mes amis!
