Friday, September 5, 2008

First Lady Vice-Regal of Australia

The Queen, on the recommendation of the Prime Minister of Australia, has been pleased to approve the appointment of Ms Quentin Bryce as the next Governor-General of Australia.

1126This morning at Parliament House, Canberra, Ms Quentin Bryce AC and Mr Michael Bryce AM AE attended a ceremony at which Ms Bryce was sworn-in as the twenty-fifth Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Watch the full swearing in at The Australian


  1. I would point out that the BBC has reported that "many" in Australia hope this governor general to be their last, and that her own political leanings may be more republican than monarchist.

    So perhaps we should treat this appointment with caution--after all, it was made at the counsel of Rudd.

  2. The new Australian parliament looks bloody awful. Is that supposed to be their throne? It looks like something off of the early series of Star Trek...

  3. Let's just hope she does a good job. Now as for the BBC trying to make out Australians are all keenly waiting for a republic, the issues is not on the minds of day to day Australians

  4. Dear David,

    your comment is very interesting.

    I had that impression of Australia when I was there about 7 years ago. I came away with the impression that most folk out there were not particularly bothered about the monarchy issue, but thought that there were more important real problems to be fixed in Australia.

    It seems today that there is an automatic linkage between the monarchy in right of Australia and the republic question.

    This must clearly be very fustrating for anybody who is happy with the current system.

    Why do you think that there is this obsession on the part of journalists about the republic issue?

  5. Dear P, I think the reason is that journalist love change as it makes news, however I believe it goes deeper than that, and that is a common ideology.
