Friday, December 26, 2008

Positively Edwardian

Hair to the throne. A bearded, pheasant shooting Prince in the future mould of an Edward VII or a George V is perfectly fine by me. Bring back the old British kings!



  1. 16 (or is it a 20?) gauge with a 24 inch barrel? Must be at very close range.

  2. Don't know, but I'm glad you recognize the difference between a shotgun and a rifle.

  3. Never mind the firearms, what are we, boy scouts? Look at that fine Homburg His Majesty Edward VII is wearing.

  4. I love the juxtaposition of Prince William with his great-great-great-grandfather. In the 21st century we need such reminders of continuity more than ever.

  5. Though try as I might I just can't seem to find any reference to a species called a Bearded Pheasant, but I did find an Imperial Pheasant and for those longing for Victoriana, a Mikado Pheasant.
