Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Queen of the World

I read somewhere that the G20 Summit in London was the most powerful gathering of heads of state and government since the United Nations was first convened following the end of the Second World War. You have to admire the symbolism of Her Majesty's position here, sitting not just as the host head of state but also as the world's most senior statesperson. But even if Her Majesty wasn't host sovereign or the world's most senior statesperson, it is inconceivable to imagine the Queen ever being relegated to the second row like the President of the United States, much less the very back like the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Monarchy maintains its priviliged position, as evidenced by the front-row sitting of its weakest member, the King of Saudi Arabia.

The Queen sits with G20 leaders for a group photograph in the Throne Room at Buckingham Palace, 1 April 2009. © Press Association


  1. I don't think there was any doubt by anyone there who the dominant figure in the room was. It is also certainly deserved as I'm sure the Queen has more government and diplomatic experience in one little finger than most of the rest of the room combined.

  2. Certainly, she is more wise than the President of my country.

  3. "Certainly, she is more wise than the President of my country."

    Of every country, and with all due respect, wiser than other monarchs by far.
