Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Queen Receives Her Canadian and Australian Prime Ministers

There are probably no two nations more alike or more blessed than Canada and Australia. Both are vast continental federations, both are major resource rich world class economies and both are significant constitutional monarchies, who happen to share the same language, history, culture and Queen.

Above: The Queen receives the Canadian Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper MP, at Buckingham Palace, 1 April 2009. Mr. and Mrs. Harper, with the Australian Prime Minister and his wife, were later invited to lunch with The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh. The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall also attended the lunch. © Press Association

Below: The Hon. Kevin Rudd MP, Prime Minister of Australia, is received by The Queen at Buckingham Palace, 1 April 2009. Mr. Rudd and his wife, Ms Thérèse Rein, later joined the Canadian Prime Minister and his wife for lunch with The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh. © Press Association


  1. I keep hearing rumour that Mr. Harper was to advise HM that she open the Olympic games in Vancouver next year. I've not been able to find confirmation of this from any reliable source, however. Did anyone here come across anything more on that matter?

  2. i think the look on the Queens face says it all. I know i wouldn't be happy if both times i have met Rudd he has just earlier told the press on how he wants Australia to become a republic, the man should learn some decency

  3. All I've heard is that the Queen is planning her 24th royal visit to Canada. I would assume therefore that there is a chance that this will be the Vancouver Winter Olympics next year, but probably far from confirmed at this point.

  4. Good Good, is Steven Harper a huge balloon of dog shit or what ?

  5. "There are probably no two nations more alike or more blessed than Canada and Australia...who happen to share the same language, history, culture and Queen."

    They share history only to a point: clearly, the colonial histories of Canada and Australia are markedly different.
