Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Salute to our Prince Consort

We would be remiss if we didn't pause long enough to salute our Grand Old Duke's latest achievement - becoming on 19 April 2009 the Commonwealth's longest serving consort, amassing 57 years and 71 days and thereby becoming consort for longer than Queen Charlotte, consort of King George III.


Yes, the man's a survivor. Forget the caracature journalism and the constipated gripings of the left. Prince Philip is refined grace and dignified propriety, who has personified gentlemanly elegance since his formative years as a dashing and heroic naval officer many eons ago. His so-called gaffes are not the indiscretions of a silver-spooned pantywaist prince, but the spontaneous opinions of someone who is thankfully still not afraid to speak his own mind, a mind which stood the rigours of Gordonstoun I would add, and whose opinions were settled long ago in the naval wardrooms of His Majesty's Ships at sea and at war.

There are precious few left who I can still look up to. Our Grand Old Duke happens to be one of them.


  1. Stirling chap, Prince Philip. He's an easy target for the enemies of our Royal Family, viz. republicans, the politically-correct brigade, communists etc.


  2. A toast to the Grand Old Duke of Edinburgh, a prime example of Edwardian grace and dignity that has survived to our modern day.

    God bless him.


  3. Well, he's somewhat of a crotchety old devil, but I'd expect nothing less of a former naval officer and veteran. He's earned the right. The late author George MacDonald Fraser said of HRH that he merely speaks out loud what everyone from his generation is thinking.


  4. I am glad you wrote this post. I couldn't agree more.

  5. It's a crime he was never made King Consort.
