Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bleeding Hearts

The Queen's Governor General in Canada is being accused of being a blood lusting Neanderthal after swallowing a dripping chunk of raw seal heart as hundreds of Inuit looked on at an Arctic community feast in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut.

Her Excellency Michaelle Jean, on a week-long trip to the Arctic, knelt above a pair of seal carcasses and carved out the meat using a traditional ulu blade. After slashing through the flesh, the Governor General turned to the woman beside her and asked: "Could I try the heart?"

Shortly thereafter, Jean was given a bloody piece of seal heart and ate it whole. She then grabbed a tissue to wipe her blood-soaked fingers. "It's like sushi," she said. "And it's very rich in protein." The Queen's Representative said it was "absolutely delicious."

With an approval rating hovering around 83%, her action has won plaudits from Inuit organizations and Ottawa, where Peter MacKay, the Defence Minister, raved:

I think that was wonderful. I think she’s Canada’s new Braveheart for eating the seal heart. We’re going up there again in the summer, the chief of defence staff and I as we did last year [for a military operation], and I expect there’ll be an opportunity to try some delicious seal. I would encourage all Canadians to try seal. It’s a wonderful product.
International Reaction and Condemnation

Her behaviour on Monday is being interpreted as a protest after the EU imposed a ban on seal products on the grounds that hunting the mammals is cruel. An EU spokeswoman yesterday said Jean's gesture was "too bizarre to acknowledge."

Barbara Slee of the International Fund for Animal Welfare in Brussels said she was disgusted by Jean's actions. Animal rights groups say Canada's annual seal hunt is cruel, poorly monitored and provides little economic benefit. Sealers and Canadian authorities say it is humane and provides income for isolated communities.

Dickie Arbiter, the Queen’s former press secretary, was less than impressed telling the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.,

I find what she’s done extraordinary to comprehend. Her role is largely ceremonial and what she does in the political arena is really on the advice of the prime minister and the ministers. And to start cutting up a seal and eating it is sort of making a political statement and not what one expects a Governor General to do.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported the event under the sensationalist headline, "‘Blood Lust’: Canada’s G-G eats seal heart."

The New York Gawker called Her Excellency the "Sarah Palin of Canada":

Now, the question on everyone's mind has to be, "How will Sarah Palin top this one?" Maybe she can take down a polar bear to eat its heart AND its liver? She's got to do something, because as it stands now, it appears as though Canada is easily winning the "Who has the kookiest female Governor" sweepstakes, and couple that with the fact that they have health care for all their citizens, and it becomes increasingly clear that America is nothing more than Canada's bitch.
Canada's Vice Regal agrees to join seal hunt; all Europe collapses in dead faint.

Canadian Press reports that Governor General Michaelle Jean, far from being cowed by the international uproar created by her participation in a seal-eating ceremony, has upped the ante:

In fact, the Governor General’s response could hardly be more defiant: Jean was invited by a group of Inuit to join them on a seal hunt Wednesday evening.

And she accepted.
As Don Martin pointed out in the National Post: "Far from being heartless to animal suffering, her Arctic snack has sealed Ms. Jean's status as a worthy torchbearer for a Queen who, and this is just a hunch, would probably demand her seal organs seasoned, sauteed and served on silver."


  1. becomes increasingly clear that America is nothing more than Canada's bitch.

    They are finally getting it! There's hope for the Yanks yet...

  2. Now, I have no opinion on the Seal Hunt myself, but its always nice to see someone stand up to the Eurocrats and these blubbery environmentalists.

  3. So frustrating... Blogspot is blocked by the Chinese AGAIN. Meanwhile HM has not been invited by the French to take part in D-Day commemorations (despite the fact she is Head of State of two of the three countries that were involved, a fact not reflected upon apparently elsewhere) and MPs about to lose their seats out of sheer rage for their corruption and greed are now asking Brown to make them Peers of the Realm in the House of Lords. So THAT'S why Labour 'reformed' the place...

  4. By the way, Prince Harry is set to visit New York today on a 2-day official visit to America, where he plans to meet with veterans, visit ground zero, and squeeze in a polo match on Governors Island. He's to meet with families of four people killed in the Sept. 11 attacks at the World Trade Centre site before formally naming a site in Hanover square for the 67 British victims of Sept. 11. Monica Iken, whose husband died in the terrorist attacks, said "It's a testament to our loved ones that royalty from another country is coming and expressing interest.”

  5. "When I eat veal, I know that I am eating a veal. Those, too, are very cute animals."

    This woman is magnificent! Magnificent!

    This also shows the inherent racism of our modern 'tolerance' (is there a more patronising term?) of other cultures. We are told we are to respect other cultures and their traditions, yet when the Canadian GG does exactly that, there is an outcry. All of a sudden it is not a bunch of culturally backwards peasants doing it, but someone who should know better.

    Time for some steak and kidney pie, what.

  6. So PETA is advocating a universal boycott of Canadian maple syrup...does anyone know if any of the producers sell online? Time to get some Canadian maple syrup.

  7. As a British admirer of Canada, I am saddenned by the imposition of the European Union's ban on what is a traditional activity of one of Canada's loyal communities, especially since it is based on completely emotive sentiment.

    Trust me that many communities in my native Scotland are pretty fed up with EU imposed "bans" and restrictions on their traditional activities, such as fishing.

    This fuss is a whole load of nonsense. The idea that British (and other EU) diplomatic missions do not participate in "unusual" ceremonies just doesn't make any sense. The British ambassador to France will eat cuisses de grenouille and escargots, while the ambassador to Saudi Arabia has probably partaken of sheep's eyeball.

    I am most impressed by the Governor General's conduct here - she really does appear to have brought dignity to the office as the Queen's representative. I was initially sceptical of her, but she really seems to largely get it.

  8. Pate foie gras anyone?

  9. Yes, thank you, Mr Anyonmous. Goose, of course.

  10. Best: I avoid sweets. However, if PETA wishes to call for a ban on maple syrup from Canada, sign me up for a barrel of the stuff.

    P: I am still wary of the GG; too often she has acted as if she were not HM's representative but the Monarch herself.

    Inuit eat seals. Many Inuit are Canadians. Why should the GG should not eat seal heart if offered would be a better question.

    Tongues will wag, no stopping that. Now, I'm off to invest in a branks manufacturer...

  11. The "International Reaction" in the posted article is ridiculous. The Inuit have been happily eating seal meat for thousands of years and I highly doubt that they---or the GG for that matter---gave any thought to the EU who apparently finds traditional Inuit customs and the GG's response "bizarre". On the contrary, I think the EU is quite bizarre.
