Thursday, July 9, 2009

The New Statesman foames at the mouth

The New Statesman is having a monarchy pile-on in their latest issue: "Why Ma'am Must Go". You will be amazed at the number of anti-monarchist articles devoted to it. What suddenly brought this on, you wonder? Here's a theory: they are mad as hell after seeing what the Prince of Wales was able to do recently against the modernist starchitects, and they are now foaming at the mouth. Ooh boy, are they mad. Viewer discretion is advised.



  1. I wonder why, when reading the main editorial, I got this strange feeling I was looking at some communist manifesto...? Gross.

  2. Charles also handled himself very capably delivering the Richard Dimbleby Lecture the evening before last, broadcast on a BBC1 prime evening slot.

    The Prince of Wales is winning over the public, and the Republicans will despise it.

  3. Gentlemen,

    It is amazing, with the politico corruption scandal in the not so distant past, that monarchy is the institution that has to go.

  4. If you're not going to use the monarchy any longer, do you think that we in the States could have it when you're finished?
