Monday, August 24, 2009

The Decline of Masculine Elegance

King George V worked diligently to restore the formality and discipline that his father had let slide at Court, but after the Great War and the dawn of the Jazz Age, high society was having none of it. Dancing the floor with swinging tails was a feat that only Fred Astair could master, most preferred their more comfortable dinner jacket. Edward VII may have been royal patron of the dinner jacket - the big man did prefer comfort over stuffy tradition - but it was never intended as a replacement to the tailcoat, and was to be worn only at the most private of dinner parties where no reception followed.

It was not Edward VII but the future Edward VIII who, by regularly opting for the dinner jacket over the tailcoat with his aristocratic circle of friends, played the pivotal role in its elevation to standard evening wear. Thus the formerly de rigueur tailcoat ensemble became relegated to extremely formal functions while the previously informal dinner jacket which had been considered too vulgar for female sensibilities was promoted to standard evening attire.

A Parisienne with such sensibilities and with a good many thoughts on this wrote in Vogue magazine way back in 1922 to impart that men are dressing worse, not better, and the substitution of the dinner jacket (read: "Tuxedo") for the tailcoat is an example of the slovenliness to come.

"You are entirely wrong in imagining that we pay no attention to the way men dress...The truth is that while we may say nothing, we do not in the least consent, and we find, messieurs, that for some time now you have been very much changed, and for the worse."
The slovenliness came alright. We can all blame the dinner jacket for that and the long decline in male elegance.


  1. Symphonic musicians like myself are probably among the few people keeping the tailcoat alive today!

  2. You and equestrian riders. In fact, if I'm not mistaken, the male traditional evening costume derives from the sport of horseback riding, so I suppose it stands to reason.

    Remember: fashion fades, but style is forever.

  3. Is it me or does "masculine elegance" sound sort of camp and gay? Answers on your postcards. :-)

  4. For camp and gay, you are going to have to go back a little further than the high watermark of Edwardian style.

    How about the fashionista Peacock affairs of the 1700s, when macaronis tried to outdo each other with their tall powdered whigs, red-heeled shoes, bright satin breeches, white face paint and rouge cheeks. Ironically, it was the dandyism of Beau Brummell that cut a more masculine figure and paved the way for a more understated form of elegance. You still find dandyism here and there, but formal masculine attire has almost completely vanished, except at the odd wedding, the concert stage and the equestrian classic.

  5. You should see me at weekends. :-)

  6. True, Beaverbrook.

    Of course, there is a "formal masculine attire" that is not the camp, the Sloane, or the Chap. I often think this blog is full of Sloanie gits.
