Saturday, December 19, 2009

Going Home For Christmas

So you're travelling home for the holidays. Going from King's Cross up to King's Lynn. You look over and who do you see? Why, the Queen.

‘The Queen on a First Capital Connect – unbelievable!’ exclaimed Andrew Smith, who was making the same journey for a business meeting.

‘My wife will never believe me.’ Relatively speaking there was minimal fuss, although some travellers reacted angrily when police shut off the area without warning five minutes before the train was due to leave.

The monarch, with a few attendants, sat at the rear of the train in an eight-seat section of a carriage which was separated from the rest of the seats by a sliding glass door.

The Mail duly notes:
The Queen does, of course, also have use of the Royal Train – but that costs taxpayers £57,142 each time it is taken out of its sidings.


  1. This picture epitomizes the fact that Queen Elizabeth II is the worst monarch in the history of the English people. It mimics her welcoming foreign people into England in the name of multiculturalism and diversity. She has allowed the influx of alien people into her realm and thereby destroyed the culture, civilization and historicity of her people and nation. She and her despicable children, particularly the lame-brained Price of Wales are charlatans and traitors to their country.

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  4. Anonymous, you are an idiot and a bigot.

  5. Well, Annonymous, you know what they say:
    "What goes around comes around"

    For a few centuries the 'English people' went around the world uprooting people from their lands to create their colonies a la USA, Canada, Australia, NZ, South Africa, India (the populations were too big to wipe out in the last two) and rule the waves.

    Doing so created a responsibility on the part of 'the English people' to look after the welfare of the former slaves/servants of the Empire after it had been disbanded due to the bankruptcy of the 'English nation' after WWII.

    If your Queen didn't welcome these 'alien people' whose native lands had been conquered and colonised, your people would have very little to be proud of as a race which plundered those nations then turned your backs on them when you had extracted as much as you could.

    "As ye sow, so shall ye shall reap"

  6. Anonymous is no doubt one of those ignorant people the BNP is targeting with their talk of keeping the English "pure" - despite the fact even the most English of Englishmen is a rich mix of Celts, Angles, Jutes, Saxons, Vikings and Normans! And that just get you to 1066....


  7. Bumiputra, you may want to study some history. England invested much more than it took from the countries that it colonized...India and Argentina being two good examples. You can thank them for the infrastructure, educational system and....language that allows you to be who you are today.

    Talk to most folks in Kenya today. Many wish the British were still there. The trains used to run on time.

  8. thanks nice post
    Going from King s Cross up to King s Lynn

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  10. Thankss
    If your Queen didn't welcome these 'alien people' whose native lands had been conquered and colonised..??

  11. The first priority of the site administrator for your comments right know, thank you. Really very good information-sharing gives you.
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