Sussex University wants to stop teaching British history prior to 1700.
Sussex University is one of the better establishments of our higher education system. It is proposing, because of cuts, to emasculate its history department by scrapping research into, and in-depth teaching of, British history before 1700 and European before 1900. One should not need a GCSE in the subject to see the insanity of this. Our country remains shaped today by the Reformation, the Civil War and the Glorious Revolution, which happened between the 1530s and the 1680s. No one who does not understand the importance and nature of those events can understand why Britain post-1700 was as it was. And, of course, those events were part of a continuum that (working backwards) included the Wars of the Roses, the Hundred Years' War, the Crusades, the Norman Conquest, the arrival of Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Vikings, the Roman invasion, and so on. For a university to be so limited attacks the credibility of the institution.
No words for it. Just rage. Blind and utter rage.
No European history pre-1900. well isnt that just peachy. they want to start teaching history once all the great empires have fallen and the disaster that is modern Europe began. Me thinks the is some Pro-EU beauocrats wanting to change history so that the EU looks like the gratest thing to ever happen instead of looking at the past when people were respectful and soverignty meant something.