Friday, April 23, 2010

A Pint or two for St. George’s Day!

Here in Australia, much is made of St. Patrick’s Day and to some extent St. Andrew’s Day. But, St. George’s Day on the 23rd of April comes and goes without a mention.

So today I’m sitting down and having a few pints of English Ale for St. George’s Day. England gave us a free parliament, the rule of Law and our language – so join me and raise a pint for old England!

Plus a little something to warm the cockles of your heart..!


  1. Good man i will be sure to join you!

    St George was out walking
    He met a dragon on a hill,
    It was wise and wonderful
    Too glorious to kill

    It slept amongst the wild thyme
    Where the oxlips and violets grow
    Its skin was a luminous fire
    That made the English landscape glow

    Its tears were England’s crystal rivers
    Its breath the mist on England’s moors
    Its larder was England’s orchards,
    Its house was without doors

    St George was in awe of it
    So he took the beast apart
    He hid the sleeping dragon
    Inside every English heart

    So on this day let’s celebrate
    bring that English Dragon close
    Toast a drink to Queen and country
    And the Mighty English Rose

  2. Happy St George's Day! I just officially discovered your blog (actually it's much more than a blog) and it is wonderful. Well done, a really good job here. Right now I'm downing a few pints in preparation for the evening celebrations at our local English pub here in Orange County. Enjoy your day.

  3. Holy Great Martyr George, pray to God for us.
