Friday, July 9, 2010

A Gentleman for Governor General and a Stalwart Defender of the Canadian Crown


Prime Minister Harper's team of "ardent monarchists" has chosen well. David Lloyd Johnston, who will become the Queen's next vice-regal representative in Canada, is a highly respected political moderator, legal scholar, university president and constitutional monarchist who vows to be "a stalwart defender of our Canadian heritage, of Canadian institutions and of the Canadian people". Above all, and having followed him for many years as a non-partisan moderator of political debate on television, he is an impeccable gentleman with a distinguished record of public service. I am sure he will perform brilliantly in his new role as Governor General. This is a fine choice indeed!

Read: Incoming governor general proud to serve Canadians - CTV News


  1. A monarchist as Governor-General? Wonders never cease in this new age! I would have preferred a military man, but a very fine choice indeed.

  2. Kudos to PM Stephen Turner for his excellent choice for GG. HM won’t have to hold her nose while signing this appointment!

    However, it is appalling that most of the opposition to Mr. Johnston on the blogs is blatantly RACIST -- saying he should not be GG because of his race and gender.

    If such anti-black comments were made against Mme. Jean, they’d be deleted. But it’s OK for “progressives” to make racist comments about older white males.

    The 88% of Canadians who are Caucasian are supposed to feel guilty for centuries-old injustices. And the 12% of Canadians who are non-white have benefited generously from white liberal guilt through “affirmative action” programs -- as evidenced by the last two GG’s (who were otherwise dubiously qualified for the office).

    Enough with the white liberal guilt, enough political correctness, no more PC racial quotas, no more racism of any kind.

    Mr. Johnston is eminently qualified to be Governor General of Canada; his race and gender are not factors.

  3. This is the key statement with his acceptance remarks "As the representative of the Queen of Canada, who is our country's head of state, I pledge to be a stalwart defender of our Canadian heritage, of Canadian institutions and of the Canadian people. In particular, I look forward to meeting with the brave men and women of the Canadian Forces."

    It's pretty clear he's a monarchist.

  4. A fine choice. I wish him many long years in Vice-Regal service. Shame he can't have a Knight of the Order Of Canada when he retires from this post though. An oversight that needs some correction sooner rather than later.
