Monday, April 1, 2013

Tide to Turn Shortly – Order in Council Coming Soon

Yours truly had the pleasure of this weekend to attend the play The Audience at the Gielgud Theatre in London. Yours truly was part of a small party priviliged to visit the main role actress, Helen Mirren, in her dressing room after the show. Reliable sources say the play will run in movie theaters around the world in a not so distant future.

On this very short trip to London, yours truly, as a gentleman scribe of The Monarchist, also met with a source very close to the Crown. The source could reveal that plans are under way for a proclamation to be issued by an Order in Council on the very day of the 60th anniversary of Her Britannic Majesty's coronation – this upcoming 2nd of June.

The essence of the proclamation will be that the long process of emasculation of the non-elected elements of the British constitutional order, that being essentially the Crown and the House of Lords, will be stopped and thereafter reversed.

How this will play out, we will get a better idea of when the proclamation is made in early June. The proclamation will be the first step in a new process in a new direction, as a process that has been going on for more than a century cannot be reversed in one day, very much as Rome – or London – was not built in one day.

Now it's just to wait for the proclamation...

Sir David Wilkie: Victoria holding a Privy Council meeting
Queen Victoria holding a Privy Council meeting. By Sir David Wilkie. Oil on canvas.


  1. Happy April 1st to you too!

    If only it were true. The House of Lords for decades was a consistent bulwark against all sorts of nonsense. Then that upstart David Lloyd George came around...

  2. The reversal actually began at the turn of the century when Australians voted for the Queen. It'll be a long drawn out process for sure, but the generational comeback started many moons ago.

  3. Is this truly and April Fools joke? I'm not quite sure if I should get my hopes up or not.

  4. Good heavens, yes-- what a cruel joke to play on us hopeful monarchists! Certainly intrigued and excited, if its true...

  5. Good heavens, yes-- what a cruel joke to play on us hopeful monarchists! Certainly intrigued and excited, if its true...

  6. I hope you all gentlemen had a great 1st of April. :-)

    It is both true and not. The story after the first paragraph is essentially not -- although it does, of course, contain some established facts.

    Unfortunately not...
