Friday, July 12, 2013

First Commonwealth Man to Command Space Station

A former Royal Canadian Air Force pilot, Colonel Chris Hadfield was the first Canadian to walk in space. Hadfield has flown two space shuttle missions and served as commander of the International Space Station.

During the mission as commander of Expedition 35 he gained immense popularity by chronicling life aboard the space station and taking pictures of the earth and posting them through Twitter and Facebook to a large following of people around the world. From his perch in orbit, he was a guest on television news and talk shows and gained immense popularity by playing his guitar in space. His rendition of David Bowie’s “Space Oddity” is easily considered to be “one of the best videos of all time,” viewed by more than 16 million people around the globe.

As the first Commonwealth citizen to command the ISS, Astronaut Chris Hadfield inspired people the world over, especially the next-generation of scientists and engineers, and once again brought international popular attention to space expeditions — all while running the most productive science mission to date. His exceptional achievements in space have made him, in the words of one BBC commentator, “the most famous astronaut since the days of Neil Armstrong and Yuri Gagarin.”


  1. I have posted a link to this petition on my blog.

  2. Many thanks, but I have cancelled the petition. I have come to the belated conclusion that it is inadvisable to petition for Royal Honours. These are nominated discretely, not campaigned for in the open. I apologize for the error.

  3. I might ask of you to consider a "Repeal Nickel Resolution" petition as I believe it to be high time that HM Canadian Realm had it's own order of Chivalry like New Zealand and Australia (at least until 1986) does.


  4. I have also considered a formal petition on the Nickle Resolution, but after some research I don't think you can repeal it, it is a mere Resolution of a long gone parliament and really should not have force anymore, if it ever legally did (George V certainly did not let it stop him from giving some titles). So I have been at a loss of as to how to go about this change.

  5. If you believe that Col Hadden is deserving of an honour, surely the simple thing to do is submit a nomination?



  6. Colonel Hadfield is an excellent ambassador for his country!

  7. I like the video.
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. Chaps, we have a new heir to the throne. It might warrant a post!
