Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Toulon 1793

Admiral Samuel Hood
Admiral Samuel Hood

Admiral Samuel Hood, later the first Viscount Hood, who had also served in the American War of Independence for His Britannic Majesty, commanded the forces of the Royal Navy in the Siege of Toulon, teaming up with French royalists against the revolutionary republic.

The Royal Navy bombards Toulon
The Royal Navy bombards Toulon

The Kingdom of France had contributed largely to the fall of monarchic rule in what was now those United States of America, but apparently His Britannic Majesty was the bigger man. The Royal Navy was employed against the revolutionary republic, and the Siege of Toulon – from September 18, 1793 to December 18, 1793 – was one such employment.

Those were indeed other days than when the British Empire under the leadership of the likes of Herbert Henry Asquith and David Lloyd George teamed up with the revolutionary republic – and also later the former rebels across the pond – in the quest to “make the world safe for democracy.”

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