Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Upcoming Apology to Loyalists

All is quiet at The Monarchist. Or at least it was until Crux Australis broke the silence last week.

That does not of course mean that all is quiet on the monarchist front.

Military Loyalists of the American Revolution
Military Loyalists of the American Revolution

All readers here should be familiar with the Snowden affair, and that there are loads of secrets within the federal government of those United States. From time to time they leak out, not least from the NSA.

As all citizens of the United States – and other countries for that matter – are under surveillance, so is the first citizen of that country, namely President Barack Obama. His bedroom is under constant surveillance by the National Security Agency.

The Monarchist has managed to get hold of one of the best kept secrets in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. No one else seems to want this secret to come out, for it runs counter to republican ideals America stands for.

But we at The Monarchist can reveal it. The President of those United States recently sleep-talked about apologizing to the Loyalists of the war of 1775-1783. Our source will not be revealed. It is likely that an apology will come from the White House shortly. Stay tuned for more...


  1. Why apologize to people who are not only dead but whose grandchildren are all long dead?
    Why engage in ritual politics?

  2. Meh. That guy apologizes to everyone for everything, regardless of whether anything wrong was done or not. He's got meaningless drivel on tap and he serves it up every time he opens him mouth.

  3. Gentlemen,

    Please do note the date and the labels of this post.

    My, my...
