Sunday, May 3, 2009

Whig in Tory Heaven

The Monarchist naturally considers the art of oratory part of the equipment of a statesman, and therefore regards any politician reading from a prepared speech or a teleprompter as pitiable. (You may safely take from that, that we regard almost all politicians today as lamentably inadequate.)

Thankfully, Daniel Hannan is a fine example of the old school, delivering his speech without notes, having obviously worked it out in his head beforehand, it is a delight to listen to as much for the delivery as for the content. Here once again, with the Tory troops hanging on to his every wit, every word, Mr. Hannan provides much needed eloquence in the service of truth.


  1. I love it, an eloquent politician who can, with the utmost dignity, still manage to work in bathroom humor and a reference to "A Clockwork Orange" and quote "Julius Caesar" without ever breaking tone. All while making grand and heavy points, all while telling the truth as it stands. I cannot say I agree with *everything* about Hannan, but I'm probably 90% or better with him and I am 100% behind *how* he says it with the same eloquent wit of the greater statemen of yesteryear.

  2. Agreed. Mr. Hannan is a self-identified milquetoast monarchist, his heart is not quite there, and he does say things from time to time that are irksome. But as we all know nobody's perfect, he seems to possess in spades all the ingredients for sturdy leadership, he is definitely front-bench material. I could easily live with him as prime minister.
