Friday, July 3, 2009

Anger Over Queen Crowning Son

Republicans in The Principality of Wales have marked the 40th anniversary of the Investiture of The Prince of Wales with a "protest" at Caernarfon Castle. Organisers of the event told the media that dozens of people were going to turn out to show their anger. In the event "nine members of the public" turned up.

Speaking to the nine people present, Adam Phillips, organiser of this event demanded that the Royal title 'The Prince of Wales' be abolished and called for Prince Charles to be the last ever Prince of Wales. Mr Phillips, who is also a chairman of a Welsh language and culture promotion group, added: "The people of Wales need to wake up and discover who they are. Years ago we had a royal family which was systematically destroyed by our neighbours. If the people of Wales want a monarchy, we should create one of our own. We have to ask ourselves 'do we want to be a Principality, a toy or plaything of The Prince of Wales, or a country in our own right?'" No doubt to cheers and loud applause from the nine strong group, Mr Phillips then said: "Prince William should never be Invested. It's an outdated concept. Why should the people of Wales have a foreigner (who was born English as opposed to born Welsh) as their liege?"

Full details about this protest were actually withheld from the local media so protesters could "make the most impact" as July 1st 1969 was remembered. The Evening Leader newspaper also reports that this group of nine even carried placards, put up signs and banners - and then quietly "spoke to passers-by about their demands". For pictures of their quite hilarious placards and banners just click here. For more about the protests click here. Colour film footage of the Investiture in 1969 has recently been put online for the very first time. Watch these new clips of the 1969 Investiture in colour via the link here. Last Monday a BBC poll found that 71% of people in Wales believed that the Monarchy should continue. When asked 29% said they wanted to see the Monarchy abolished.


  1. One has to wonder why they would bother with only 9 people "outraged" enough to show up. They would have to know they are going to come off simply looking pathetic. Why would they do it? Oh, that's right, because republicans, no matter how small the group, are bound to get media attention which it seems they have.

  2. You want to see a pathetic protest? Check this one out: I love how the homeless man tags along!

    I can't believe the Welsh republicans use the "foreigner" arguement as well. I thought that was limited only to the tribal-minded over here in the Canadas.

  3. Well, that is it, then. Game over. Republicanism clearly reigns supreme, we might as well gird ourselves to go down fighting at the barricades as clearly the end is nigh.

  4. 'If the people of Wales want a monarchy, we should create one of our own'. Erm, we have one of our own. Britain created them by bringing them over. If you meant you want one that is Welsh, you'd have to define what 'Welsh' means today. Living in the Pure Loved Land? Of descent from Welsh families? Welsh speaking? The "foreigner" argument also exists in Scotland. What if we had a purely Scottish monarch? Now, is that Scots or Gaelic? What about a Cornish monarch? Geordie (gods forbid)?

    I rather think most Welsh people see the problem with this. Also, most Welsh folk do want our current Monarch. However, I rather think a poll would show that most Welsh would like the Prince of Wales title retired. The truth of the entire matter is not as simple as the Protesting Nine (guffaw!) or this article suggest.

  5. Thanks for your comments.

    All opinion polls show the people of Wales would like the role of The Prince of Wales to continue.

    It is amazing to think that 71% of people within Wales believe in The Monarchy - because Wales is one of the most Socialist parts of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth. Yet, over these past few centuries, it has not been Socialism that has had the greatest command, or pull over our collective hearts. Nor has Socialism had the greatest claim on our conscience. This place has somehow been reserved for the first-born son of our Sovereign, our very own Prince. To whom, as a people, we feel the deepest love and loyalty.

    As a Welshman, I must admit it is difficult to explain. It is something you just sense, almost instinctively. You sort of love your Prince. He is a focus for your loyalty and this channel for your patriotic feelings. When young you consider Socialism but you realise there's something more beautiful than that. A Prince. All thoughts of Socialism disappear. They somehow die, are extinguished, or are re-routed and re-channelled into these more loyal beliefs. Long may that be.

    God Bless The Prince Of Wales!

  6. Mr Welton, I, in a sense know what you feel, though in likely a diminished form. I am not from Wales but Canada, but that same feeling that wells up inside you when you think about the Monarchy, or the splendid history of our peoples is what I imagine your talking about. I just wish there were more people who would feel the same instead of getting involved in some of the things they do, and imagining any of our peoples could have done it on their own, the English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Canadian, Australian, New Zealanders or any of the other groups.

  7. Quite agree - thank you Matthew.

  8. Welsh republicans, what a pathetic bunch of clowns. Just how silly does it all get, calling the Prince of Wales a “foreigner”- is not Wales part of Britain? Even if they had a “Welsh” King I would imagine some would say “but they don’t live in MY part of Wales!” and so on. Very sad and very silly.

  9. A very interesting point, David.

    As you will know, in Wales we have the Welsh Assembly which is based in Cardiff, South Wales.

    A recent survey showed that a large number of people in North Wales do not like the Welsh Assembly - because it is based in South Wales.

  10. WOW, so A THIRD of a country doesn't want a monarchy? surely by the end of this decade it will have gone. And republicanism will embrace Wales.

    Wonder if Wills will become Prince of Wales- doubt it, particularly now the Welsh have their own Parliament, so a Principality wouldn't really look too good.

    Oh well, I suppose to the Welsh it does remind them of being invaded, so I can understand why- fair play to them.

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