"Is The Royal Family a family? For they themselves refer to the collective of Royals as "the firm" and ever since the failure of three of the marriages of the Monarch's own offspring, there seems less and less of an effort to present this "model" of family life for the nation to emulate. It was not always thus."
"In the 1950s, under controlled media management, there was a concerted campaign to present The Royal Family as a model family. Post Office Savings Stamps were sold to children with pictures of a young Prince Charles and Princess Anne. The Queen and Prince Philip are typical of the post-war married couples who produced the baby boom generation: marriage was for life and the reproduction of the nation was best handled by the institution of the family."
"Public affection for King George VI and His Queen – who courageously lived in Buckingham Palace as bombs fell on London – was then transferred to the very young Queen Elizabeth II and Her dashing young naval officer Consort. After their marriage in 1947, the speedy birth of children, and the Accession to the Throne in 1952, their position as positive role models for the family seemed secure." Continue Denis MacShane's article for The Yorkshire Post via here.
that was a horrible article written by a leftist republican. it is interesting until about 3/4 way through and the writer shows how leftist and republican they are saying that they british people are asking what type of head of state the would like and how capitalism is bad for families
ReplyDeleteI thought it was a very interesting piece of analysis. I realise he's "leftist" (whatever that means in 2009). However, I don't think he's a republican as such. That wasn't exactly clear. He said The Royal Family represented society better because it had problems, like divorces, and that it was up to the people to decide what sort of institution as Head of State they want. I agree, people deciding what Head of State they want is very, very important in a democracy. Naturally, I want them to support the Monarchy.
ReplyDeleteJust because someone argues that free market capitalism is bad for families, and some of the other institutions that we care about, it does not mean that he is not a monarchist. It usually means he's talking sense. Remind me. How much do banks owe families? Banks that went bust under free market capitalism in America and Britain.
Monarchists can come from all walks of life - leftists, rightists, black, white, Christians, Muslims, gay, straight, pro free markets, anti free markets. All that matters is that they are monarchists. Monarchists who, when the call comes, go out and put the cross in the right box whenever a referendum is held in their country.
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