Sunday, February 27, 2011

'A Stick in the Mud...'


  1. Really do miss you guys...meaty posts less frequent these days :(

  2. Madam, our editor is on some sort of hiatus, as is stated here. I am also on a partial hiatus from being a DPUGOT (doubleplus ungood oldthinker). "Kipling" and myself are the only ones in the past two months who have posted. Where are you, gentlemen?

  3. Well, Sirs, this is a wonderful site and the source of an education I never received at a British school. I went from being 'monarchy - meh' to a full on royalist. I have always valued civility, chivalry and good old fashioned manners so the attraction to your site was quite instant. Thank you for the schooling. I sincerely hope you don't let the blog slide. Meanwhile congratulations to you all for the informed posts and doubleplus ungood oldthinking. Freedom wears a Crown indeed.
