Saturday, September 20, 2014

Thank God the United Kingdom Survived!

Good heavens, gentlemen! What the heck almost happened yesterday?? Daniel Hannan, says it better than most. Thank God we still have a United Kingdom. Scottish independence, like Quebec secession dreams, like Australian republicanism, is now dead as a dodo for decades to come. Thank God for that!


  1. Maybe. How dead will depend on the willingness and ability of individuals in Westminster and Whitehall to address the complaints which inspired the independence drive to begin with.

    1. I lived in Quebec for 8 years in my '20s and the grievances - real or imagined - were secondary to the dream of independence. The "independence drive" in Scotland was one rogue poll upon which the entire No campaign was built. What kept Scotland in the Union wasn't Cameron's insincere and desperate pandering to the leftist shtick of the SNP, but a resurgence of British nationalism in Scotland. Next time, the PM should avoid that course of action and dare the SNP to either s--- or get off the pot. Never mind a vague and nebulous question about whether, hypothetically speaking, Scotland (or Wales, NI or England) should possibly, maybe some day be an independent country, the definition of which has yet to be decided. If they want to separate, their citizens deserve to have something concrete, defined and clearly written for them to vote on. Come up with a serious declaration of independence like the Americans did, post it on every lamppost, in every paper, on your website and in the bus terminals so that people know exactly what you intend to do and how before they vote on anything. Anything short of that can't be taken seriously and it's ridiculous to ask people to vote on their future nationality without any real idea what that would entail. If you folks are serious about this, come up with something tangible and then we'll vote. Until then, you're British.

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